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Sunday, March 2, 2025


Peace always ends up
being canceled
when ego is greater
than love.
Nothing matters more than 
touching the souls
of the weakest. 

Ryan Shank-Rowe (23)


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Sensory Ecosystem of February 2025


By Luke Schneider, 18 


Nature has a way of speaking about birds, trees and the soil. 

This is my Sensory Ecosystem 

For instance, do you know the Loon? 

This North American bird is mostly active at dusk. 

Their long, haunting call says, “I’m here, where are you?” 

Their partner returns, “I’m over here.” 


Trees offer us forest bathing and the benefits of the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, which means sensory relaxation by connecting with the forest.  Here we communicate with trees without words. Did you know that trees talk to each other through their scents?  

Our sensory ecosystems come alive! 


Now, for the soil that fertilizes our senses and offers texture to our movement – it is this soil that gives strength and connects us all -birds, trees and humans –  and this completes our Sensory Ecosystem. 


(This reflection has been inspired by this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ENNzjy8QjU 

 of the Loon and the books Hidden Life of Trees, and Braided Sweetgrass) 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Breathe. (A chant poem)


By Sasha Rainer

Tomorrow stronger than today,

Tomorrow morning

to replay,

Tomorrow story starts anew,

Tomorrow morning

me and you.

Today the troubles set aside,

Today love strides on our side,

Today we regulate ourselves,

Today put worries on the shelves.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Group Poem-Thanksgiving Address

Inspiration from Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Miller: We turn our thoughts to Sarah, our incredible book club host who wonderfully brings us all together each week.
Aiden: We turn our thoughts to the family who loves us and the friends who are there for us.
Brielle: We turn our thoughts to how powerful we are. By loving our friends and family we change the world.
Jack H.: We turn our thoughts to nature, beautiful and true, light and life giving, a serene comfort that gives abundantly.
Cole: We turn our thoughts to all of the trees, they provide shade, food and shelter
Nadia: We turn our thoughts to winter sun, cold and bright as a white reindeer. Prancing winter, dancing light to our cold noses and toes. Let’s give sun our reindeer blessings.
Thomas: We turn our thoughts to prayer.  Prayer reminds me to be thankful.
Pablo: we turn our thoughts to friend.s they love kindly when we need words to make us feel like we belong. they find the good in us and make us want to be better.
Aulton: We turn our thoughts to the ranch. It's a culmination of desert and mountains. Seventy horses live there. They live and are born there, like sweet Peaches, who I met two hours after her birth. They live and die there, like Jazzy, who still has my heart.  The ranch is man-made, but It is their home. I'm grateful to share, it, life and nature with them.
Sasha: We turn our thoughts to the world of flowers. The world that toss a lovely beauty on sorrow of the soul. The world that heals the body and mind. The world that is silent to our ears, yet not so silent if we would listen carefully.
Liam: We turn our thoughts to the beaches for they keep the ocean working; sometimes the moon helps too. They make the water pure, salty and pristine. Now our minds are one.
Arth: We turn our thoughts to all the poets and artists in the world. Who express their untamed, stunning minds. It's a wonderful loving gift to the world.
Brynn: We turn our thoughts to education opportunities for women in this country. We are free to educate ourselves withou fear. We are free to go to the library and request books, magazines, dvds, and use computers to learn anything
Ryan W.: We turn our thoughts to all the trees.  They are beautiful and provide shade when it is hot or raining.  They provide shelter from the strong winds. Trees are a refuge for birds and squirrels when they make their nests.  I am grateful to be in nature.
Luke: We turn our thoughts to community and all that brings us together  - including trees, plants, animals and people.

      Now our minds are one.  

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Group Poem by Our Speller's Bookclub


Miller: Trees blowing in the sun and soft wind                                                             
Brynn: Blazing stars have me mesmerized
Brielle: Devon, I send you the image of a mother manatee swimming with her baby quietly. They are quiet like us.
Nadia: Water rolling over rocks. Rolling rolling
Sasha: Calming beach. Worry-free white sand with tall palm trees and a stunning look of the ocean.
Luke: like the tree of life because it has deep roots and the birds in my backyard - they r resilient and beautiful
Thomas: A beautiful sunset bringing hope for a new day. 
Aulton: I will picture a beautiful tree standing so tall and firm in nature. It's mycelium is a secret, but its power. The bark looks plain, but is its protection and is shielding nutrients. The branches search out the sun and drink the rays. I find it and lie beneath its shade for a rest and peace. The leaves rustle softly and I notice dimension and countless shades of green in the perfect structure of a grand tree. 
Fox: Best one is in the forest, it's green everywhere. Petals of bright colours are sprinkled in the green. The wind is blowing so everything is moving. 
 Aiden: Think of grass swaying ❤️
Moritz: My image is of some lovely rurus  (owls) sitting in a tree at night, they are calling out you so that you are feeling safe 
Luke: cardinals and blue birds and woodpeckers! 
Pablo: I would think of the pond (from the book). So much hard work , so many problems , but she had a goal.  Maybe it was not perfect, understanding came with time, feelings changed. It was hard, then it was peaceful and she did the work with love

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Unwanted Visitor at the Red Light by Aiden Levy



His putrid stench fills my nose and makes my eyes water.

He grabs my intestines, squeezes my lungs. 

Inescapable, unavoidable, his reek robs me of my appetite. 

I long for the light to turn. 

Loathsome sulfur knows no boundaries, shows no mercy.

How do the farmers tolerate his repulsion?

I wish for the pleasant banality of an odorless voyage, but the road trip has just begun.

Time crawls in his foul presence, seconds stretch into centuries, the red light showing no pity. 

Finally, sweet merciful green. 

We speed off, leaving him to hijack another victim.

Hours left to go.