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                 "This blog exists to amplify the often unheard voices of its  non-speaking authors, both as individuals and autistics....

Friday, November 26, 2021

Nadia Sohn Fink


a kindness pokes
around a corner
kindly light
quite restrained
in dulled steps
ouchless to these
saturated lop ears
this restraint is pretty
is quiet
is kind

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Loop Poem by Brynn F.

 I have always struggled with purposeful movement in my life. Recently I learned that nerve impulses in autistics stay in the cerebellum, loop around, and never reach the frontal lobe to make intentional movement possible. The cold hard truth is the majority of people believe this also means I have no intelligence. Getting past the loops is the hardest thing I've ever done. Convincing others I am not stupid is the second hardest.