What is Your Password?
By: Miller Laffoon
The Mac is open.
The screen is illuminated.
Do you wish to use computer audio?
I do.
This meeting is being recorded.✓
Camera is on.✓
Rename to Miller.✓
Hi everyone. I’m so excited to be here.
I’m greeted by my friends.
I’m excited.
I’m so stoked to be mind blown by their intelligence. Friends in New York.
Friends in Canada.
Friends in Arizona.
Friends in Maryland.
Friends from sea to shining sea.
Friends that communicate like me.
I’m so excited.
My heart might burst.
My mind is confetti.
I’m excited.
My brain might burst.
I’m doing exceptional things.
I’m included.
I am who I am.
I belong.
I’m helping change the narrative.
I’m moving mountains, Gigi.
It is real.
I’m not dreaming.
I have friends that are like me.
I love them.
They love me.
My world has changed.
I am a new human.