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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Nature and Elements by Ruhi Khanna


 The nature is embedded with five elements that showers it's            

 energy to maintain a balanced life.

 Earth wind fire water space

 Earth-it gives life to souls in the maternal spirit.

 Wind-the wind storms help us realize how important storms are in          growth.

 fire-it reminds us of the pleasure one feels with purging of the waste

 Water-water washes away the mask of impurities, gets us                        energized for the isle of redemption.

 Space-it shares with us mighty secrets of infinite spirits existing             harmoniously in peace.


  1. The deep Understanding of the elements is well articulated by you Ruhi. I have enjoyed reading this blog and look forward to many more. It helps me to connect with you. Love u Ruhi.We are proud of you. Dadi and Dada.

  2. I love the elements too. this is a great poem!
