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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

NASA Webb Telescope Inspired Poem by Ryan Bellet


This poem is dedicated to my teacher, friend, and the most patient person I know, Kaira.

Nasa Webb telescope inspired poem 


I’m amazed at the pictures from the Webb 

It makes me feel all miniscule 

And then my brain feels large 

It looks like Jupiter is in charge of the galaxy 

To ask for questions from space  

Is amazing as only a question could be 

To hear a black hole whisper and moan 

Is beyond my wildest dreams 

Only the moon is more powerful than these pictures 

It is the most light I have ever seen Jupiter in 

It makes the other planets seem like 

They exist to worship Jupiter

1 comment:

  1. From The Listener's Book Club
    -Coco: loved the rhythm
    -Emma: nice to listen to
    -Nadia: Nice magic planet mojo!
    -Brielle: So nice Ryan.
    -Aulton: Fresh take on this galactic mystery.
    -Fox: 100% loved it
    -Kate: sorry, cool poem about a cool planet
    -Miller: Interesting, inspiring, and so neat. I'm so into space. It is really so cool.
    -Brynn: Good poem. This is how I feel about space too
    -Lawson: Nice Ryan I like the creativity with formatting
    -Sasha: Wonderful poem ! My mind pictured mighty galaxy
    -Pablo: this is great. Really makes me think that beyond the earth there is so much more to see.
    -Thomas: Great job!
    -Arth: Great poem Ryan. Black hole whispers.
