The Listener's Book Club has begun reading The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin. The following poem is found in the beginning of the book:
Only in silence the word,
only in dark the light,
only in dying life:
bright the hawk's flight
on the empty sky.
-The Creation of Ea
The group created this poem in response:
Only in free fall
Only in fear, love
Only in Zoom, we commune
only in despair triumph
Only in sadness, hope
Only in love, the pain
Only in conflict the love
only in heat the cool breeze
Only in despair is hope.
Only in anger calm
Only in loss is recovery
Only in struggle the winning.
Only in chaos is order
Only in tragedy hope.
Only in craziness the wise
Only in trying times, love conquers all.
Only in moving stillness
only the sea awaits the seeable
-The Creation of the Members of Speaking is Overrated
When I first read this, I had just seen... or heard or read another reference to Ursula K. Le Guin. A spark of synchronicity! And the layers your collective poem weaves in response! There is ocean and star deep wisdom here.