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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Ryan Shank-Rowe

 A lot of people could spend a day in my body, like the movie "Freaky Friday."

I wish you could experience the total of my senses in my world.

It is sometimes not easy to describe - it is beautiful and chaotic at the same time.

Before RPM (Rapid Prompting Method) I couldn't use speech or other means of communicating.

RPM is the way my senses needed to be taught and I'm thankful to Soma for understanding my autistic mind.

I am an autistic man who lives in Centreville, Virginia.

I have a wonderful family and great support system.

I wish that every autistic child could grow up in a system that embraced the acceptance I have.

I'm looking forward to my future and learning new ways to be more independent.

That doesn't mean I won't need help sometimes from others. 

Helping me usually gives others a new perspective and a very deep appreciation that we are ALL actually INTERDEPENDENT.

1 comment:

  1. You said that so well. I think you will do great things! There are only limits in our mind, we can do anything !
