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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Ryan MD


I am a person with a lot to say. I am more like you than you can imagine. There is more to me and people like me than you can know. I make more mistakes with my body but my mind is into learning all I can. I make people mad by not being like other people but I know I need to be myself with my own ways and plans. It is hard for me to like the plans other people have for me, it plants a seed of personal like need of not living the life I want to live. The people I know are trying to help however I must be me. 


I am not like little people 

I am really true to my kind 

I can make others mad with my choices 

But they are my choices 

I need to be my own self 

People are not understanding my need to do things 

My way 

I like many little things my way 

Many, many things are not my way 

Like naming things and having pets 

Too many bad things my list 

I demand my own list of good things 

On my list i would have hiking every day 

I would have eating chick fil a 

I would have poetry class all the time 

I would have my life to live 

It is how i feel 

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